Dog Treats & Chews Northland

northland petfood natural treats and chews dog

Northland Petfood Natural New Zealand Made Dog Food Treats

All Natural, All New Zealand Made dog treats, made to international export standards you can be sure that our wholesome, healthy range is packed with flavour, and protein and is easily digested. We only put the good stuff in and get the good stuff out, all wheat and grain-free. Our most popular Marshmallow is made from succulent Lambs Lung and is a top seller- dogs go crazy for the flavour! 

If you're looking for hypoallergenic dog food that is natural and NZ-Made, check out our Itchy Dog Range.

If you have itchy or sensitive dogs be sure to use our easy colour-coded labels. The PINK Bordered products are hypoallergenic and great for dogs who have food allergies known or unknown. Dogs without sensitivities can enjoy this delicious range as well! The GREEN bordered products are best for dogs who do not have any skin or itching issues.

Why not grab a few toys to go with our natural NZ-made chews?

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14 Reviews

$24.50 NZD

5 Reviews

From $7.50 NZD
$4.60 NZD
NATURA 30cm XL Bully Sticks Bundle - 10 + 1 FREE!*
$50.60 NZD
$46.00 NZD
Natura Bully Sticks BULK XL 30cm x 25 SAVE 10%*

1 Review

$115.00 NZD
$103.50 NZD
Natura Bully Sticks BULK XL 30cm x 50 SAVE 15%*
$230.00 NZD
$195.50 NZD

2 Reviews

$2.50 NZD
NATURA 15cm XL Bully Sticks Bundle - 10 + 1 FREE!*
$27.50 NZD
$25.00 NZD
Natura Bully Sticks BULK XL 15cm x 25 SAVE 10%*
$62.50 NZD
$56.25 NZD
Natura Bully Sticks BULK XL 15cm x 50 SAVE 15%*

1 Review

$125.00 NZD
$106.25 NZD
$9.50 NZD
BULK 1kg Natura Lamb Lung Marshmallows - SAVE 22%!!
$98.00 NZD
$76.50 NZD
From $15.00 NZD
$15.00 NZD
$17.90 NZD
$2.50 NZD
From $7.50 NZD
From $15.00 NZD
From $7.50 NZD
$18.50 NZD