Active Manuka Honey
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- Description
Active Manuka Honey Anhydrous Cream 25% (AMH 25%)
A useful application for damaged or irritated skin.
Honey has an established reputation as an antibacterial agent. AMH 25% has been formulated to utilise all the known benefits of ACTIVE Manuka Honey when used for topical application in an easy to administer, stay-in-place form. It contains 25% of 16+ UMF (unique manuka factor). Active Manuka Honey contains the unique compound methylglyoxal, that provides a special natural antibacterial function able to inhibit many infectious bacteria. The antibacterial activity of honey works in 3 ways and AMH 25% includes the unusual non-perioxide antibiotic substance(s) present in some New Zealand Manuka Honey. This non-peroxide activity has an antibacterial quality, of benefit in topical form, which appears to control the bacterial invasion of damaged skin.
ACTIVE MANUKA HONEY wound protective qualities are achieved by:
- ACTIVITY FACTOR (UMF): The main advantage is from the unique NON-PEROXIDE ANTIBACTERIAL effect that is determined through tests formulated by Waikato University Honey Research Unit, NZ as stated by a plus (+) number. Optimal antibacterial activity is achieved if the Active Manuka Honey is 15+ and above.
- PEROXIDE EFFECT (H2O2): Peroxide is released from the honey when fluid/aqueous material contacts the cream (serum from damaged areas), provides a cleansing action.
- POULTICE ACTION: Honey is a super sugar solution so when applied to damaged skin it draws moisture from the area in an osmotic way so working as a gentle poultice.
Apply AMH 25% Cream directly onto the area requiring care, normally no dressing is required to hold the cream in place. Apply daily or more frequently if rubbed or licked off. AMH 25% forms a waterproof film over the damaged skin. For skin areas with minor damage, repeated cover applications of AMH 25% Cream will protect and soothe the skin. Apply onto a dressing or covering the area with a dressing may be required if likely to be rubbed or licked off.
When to use AMH 25%
For use on all animals LARGE and SMALL:
Minor cuts or wounds
Bites insect or animal
Skin irritation or inflammation
Bacterial invasion could be a possibility
Minimise bacterial infection on damaged skin areas apply AMH 25% Cream 2 times a day.